Monday, June 20, 2011

Summer Safety

Theme: Summer Safety
Week of: June 20-24

Announcements: We are having a guest presenter, Brynne Parker; LPN here on Wednesday. She will be talking to your children about summer safety, first aid, and ways to play carefully this summer! We are going to the police station on Thursday. Please dress your child for that trip.

Dinosaurs Beware! A Safety Guide 
Never Talk to Strangers 
Lizzy's Do's and Dont's 
Cottonball Collin 
Be Careful and Stay Safe 
Officer Buckle and Gloria 
Look Out! 
Please Play Safe: A Penguins Guide to Playground Safety 
The Rain Puddle 
Play it Safe 

Ariann's Project: Harmful Montana plants and animals (memory game and discussion)

Julie's Project: Safety race
Karla's Project: Finger painting (of safety scenes)

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