Monday, June 6, 2011

Parents Choice!

What a fun presentation on Germany this morning from Cameron's grandmother, Penny! The kids learned how to say some words in German, touched money, played a game, and learned some history and culture of Germany!

We had to be flexible this morning, since it was dumping rain! We took our very own "field trip" right here in our classroom! We climbed on the bus (car seats lined up), did some wildlife watching with binoculars from the windows (Karla holding up pictures of birds, stuffed animals, etc.), pulled into the parking lot at Mount Jumbo (our classroom), got out, read a story, had a picnic, and even went on a bear hunt! The kids had a blast, and they were so understanding about our change of plans!

Week of: June 6-10
Theme: Parents Choice

This week we have invited parents in to share special talents, skills, hobbies, etc. with the kiddos! This morning we had Libby L. in to read us a story, and we had project time with the Bradfords! They taught the kids all about boating and water safety! What fun! Looking forward to the rest of the parents choices later this week!

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