Monday, January 16, 2012


Week of: January 16- 20
Theme: Birds
Social Learning Goal: Dealing with anger
Spanish Learning Goal: Our bodies
Academic Learning Goal: Measurement, #10-20 recognition, letter 'O/o'

The Feelings Book 
25 Birds Every Child Needs to Know 
Sometimes I'm Bombaloo 
Bird Talk 
Henry the Impatient Heron 

MLK Holiday-- explain importance and watch his "I Have a Dream" speech
O Mystery bag
Tus Cuerpos memory
O poem
O tongue twister
Introduction to measurement

Ariann's Project: Owl Babies (M,T, F), reading group (W), Handprint birds (TH)

Justine's Project: Penguins (M, T, W)
Amelia's Project: Baby birds/nests (T, W), Feeding our Feathered Friends and cheerio and pipe cleaner bird feeders (F)

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