Monday, October 4, 2010

Community Helpers Week

We have had a great morning, and done some wonderful arts and crafts, and dramatic play! We have been working on rules for fire safety. Please review these with your child.

  • What do you do when there is a fire? Leave the house and go to your safe spot
  • What do you dow when there is smoke in your house? Stop, drop, and crawl (ask to see hand movements) 
  • Where is the safe spot for your family during a fire? 
  • What number can they call in case of an emergency? 

I have attached a link to my blog from the preschool classroom link on the website.

Our field trip to the fire station was a huge success today! Thank you to the parents who came along. We had a wonderful time, and learned a lot! The children asked great questions, and it was a beautiful day for a field trip!

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