Thursday, September 30, 2010

First Few Weeks

These are the themes, spanish words, circle activities and social/academic goals that we have worked on the past month. This is a great way to review what we have worked on!

Circle songs:
"Let's Begin our Day"
Let's begin our day, let's begin our day
hooray, hooray, hooray
let's begin our day
(repeat once, change last line to it's time to start our day)

"Days of the Week"(sung to the Adams Family)
Days of the week (clap, clap)
Days of the week (clap, clap)
Days of the week, days of the week, days of the week (clap, clap)
Well, theres Sunday and theres Monday, Tuesday and theres Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and then theres Saturday
Days of the week (clap, clap)
Days of the week (clap, clap)
*We also do this song in spanish using Domingo, Lunes, Martes, Miercoles, Jueves, Viernes, and Sabado for the days*

"Months of the Year" (sung to Ten Little Indians)
January, February, March and April
May, and June, and July and August
September, October, November, December
These are the months of the year!

Theme: Our School (week 1) 
Social Goal: Following directions, and developing new friendships
Academic Goal: Introductory spanish phrases
Spanish: Hola (hello), adios (goodbye), amigo (friend)

Theme: All About Me! (week 2) 
Social Goal: Following directions and making new friends
Academic Goal: Introductory Spanish
Spanish: circulo (circle), rojo (red)
Zoo Phonics (ABC practice with letter recognition)

Theme: My Family (week 3) 
Social Goal: Who's in your family? and taking turns
Academic Goal: Writing your name
Spanish: cuadrado (square), azul (blue), escuela (school), maestra (teacher)

Theme: Developing Friendships (week 4) 
Social Goal: Developing new friendships (ask your child about our "friendship tips")
Academic: Beginning sounds in our names
Spanish: verde (green), casa (house)
Zoo Phonics (ABC practice with letter recognition)

Theme: Fall (week 5) 
Social Goal: Expressing feelings to friends
Academic Goal: Sorting by attributes (hair, eye color, favorite color, etc), letter 'f' sight words (the, of)
Spanish: arbol (tree) and review flashcards from previous weeks
Zoo Phonics

Please keep reading to your children! It makes all the difference.

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