Monday, November 29, 2010

Dinosaurs Week 1

Announcements: With winter weather in full swing, we need parents to please send their child to school with appropriate clothing. We go outside everyday! Your child needs snowpants, snowboots, a hat, and waterproof mittens. Also if you can encourage your child to learn how to put these items on themselves, that would be a greatly appreciated! Many of our kiddos can get the majority of their snow clothes on alone, but we are hoping for parents to continue working with their children at home!

Theme: Dinosaurs
Social Learning Goal: Following three-step directions
Academic Learning Goal: AB/ABC Patterns and the letter 'D/d'
Spanish: caballo (horse), conejo (rabbit), gracias (thank you), de nada (your welcome)

Buying, Training, and Caring for your Dinosaur by Laura Joy Rennert
Dinosaur Dances by Jane Yolen
How High Can a Dinosaur Count? Valorie Fisher
Prehistoric Pinkerton by Steven Kellogg
The Super Hungry Dinosaur Martin Waddell
Theasaurus Rex Laya Steinberg

Ariann's Project: Dino Day (acting) and Ask Dr. K. Fisher about Dinoaurs

Julie's Project: Dinosaur fossiles with plaster of paris and categorizing dinosaurs
Karla's Project: Fossils Tell of Long Ago and clay handprints  

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