Monday, November 1, 2010


Announcement: When you develop your child's disposable camera, if you come across any nice portraits of any of the kids from class, and want to bring them back to school to either give to a student, or hang in  class, it would be really appreciated. I know the kiddos had fun with the cameras this week, and I look forward to seeing some of their pictures! 

Theme: Photography 
Social Learning Goal: Taking turns
Academic Learning Goal: Learning our phone numbers, letter 'C/c', letter 'E/e' 

Smile Princessa! By Stephani Jacob Gordon 
The Perfect Purple Feather by Hanochi Pioven 
Find a Face by Francois and Jean Robert 
Simple Pictures are the Best by Nancy Willard 
Flotsamn By David Weisner 

Ariann's Project: Portraits with disposable cameras

Julie's Project: Letter hunt with digital cameras
Karla's Project: Mystery photo guessing game

Thanks again for all the help and support for the halloween party last week! I know the kids had a great time, and we did too! If any parents got pictures, I would love to have them. We are also going to begin learning our phone numbers. I know many of you no longer have land lines, but if you have a number that you would prefer your child learning, please let me know. Looking forward to another great week at school.

Here is an assortment of my favorite portraits from the week. Some taken by me, others by the kiddos. If you see your child's disposable camera in the top part of their cubby it means that they are ready to be developed. The idea was portraits, but when developed, you will see what kind of surprises show up!

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