Friday, November 12, 2010

Helping others/Being thankful

Announcements: Parents please help with the following: 
1) Bring in a canned food item for your child to donate to the the food bank.
2) Help your child find a item around your house that begins with the letter 'T' and bring it to school.
3) Talk with your child about what it means to be thankful and write their words and thoughts down on the small leaves located on the check in table. We will begin sharing these the week of Thanksgiving. Thanks to all of the parents/families who have done them so far! They are great!

Theme: Helping others/Being thankful
Social Learning Goal: Sharing and helping friends
Academic Learning Goal: #1-10 recognition, letter 'T/t', AB/ABC patterning
Spanish Words: Gracias (thank you), por favor (please) and morado (purple)

Arthur's Thanksgiving by Marc Brown
The Thanksgiving Door Debby Atwell 
Gus the Pilgrim Turkey By Ellen Joy Sasaki and Teresa Bateman
Gracias the Thanksgiving Turkey by Joy Cowley
Turkey Surprise! by Peggy Archer
Just so Thankful by Mercer Mayer
Thanksgiving: Stories and Poems by Caroline Feller Bauer

Ariann's Project: Big Fat Turkeys (with paper mache), and reading group (Wednesday)

Julie's Project: If I was a turkey... (story writing)
Karla's Project: Handprint turkeys/turkey facts (Monday-Wednesday) "The Great Turkey Race" and the having the children compete in the 'Turkey-lympics'

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